To the girl who feels unworthy


To the girl who feels unworthy,

First of all, if you weren't worth it he wouldn't have died on the cross. Secondly, there are plenty of people in the Bible who didn't feel the worth yet God used them (even people we don't have names for) so don't think that what you think of yourself alters what God thinks of you- it doesn't.

Take for instance, the story of the bread and fish. Most of us knows how the story goes, Jesus takes a little and makes a lot, more than can be consumed by 5,000 people, pretty mega stuff. Someone who often goes unnoticed is the little boy who gave up his lunch, you don't need to be remembered to have done something remarkable, you don't need to be front and center for God to see what you do.

Something so beautiful about this story in John, is that God wants to do so much with the very little we have to offer, nothing is too big or too small for him to handle, he wants all we have to give. Those thousands of people were filled until they couldn't take anymore, all from that boys small contribution, he gave all he could and look what God made from it.

All it takes is faith and action. Have faith in God and he can direct you towards the actions you need to take. Give him all you have and he can multiply it immeasurably into something you can't even fathom. 

Dream big and God will do even bigger.

We will never know that boys name or what he thought when he lost his lunch that day, but we don't need to. He gave his little and blessed a lot, and we can do that too.
'Here is a boy with five small loaves and two fish.' John 6 v 9


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