

Plankton, an unusual creature to want to associate yourself to. When I think of Plankton I think of a little green guy who tried to steal the Krabby Patty formula in Spongebob. I definitely wouldn't have thought of God. That was until I watched a sermon by American preacher Sadie Robertson (A Message to my college friends... Plankton) and I saw Plankton in a completely different light.

Did you known Plankton are so weak that they can't swim the can only drift with the current, they go wherever the sea takes them, but more importantly they go towards predators without control. Still sounding great to be a Plankton? Didn't think so.

However Plankton do, do something that makes being a Plankton 100 times worth it. Plankton contribute around 50% of the earth's oxygen, they are provide life.
They live along the bottom of the sea bed and then they float to the surface of the sea to gain light from the sun, for the process of photosynthesis, fearlessly with no control of whether they run into predators or other unfortunate situations. They receive the light and then use this light. They then go back, they go back to the bottom, back to the sea creatures trying to eat them. And provides them life, and oxygen, providing 90% of the oceans photosynthesis.

Passion fuels you to go past your fear and go further into what God wants you to do. Plankton, spending their days at the bottom of the ocean, have no fear of what might happen. They spend their days expectant, just waiting for the nightfall to go to the top, ready to receive what God has promised them. They know what to expect from God because they know his character.

And that is just like us, we are just like those what I thought was worthless plankton, God doesn't make anything worthless, every he has made has a purpose and a calling. Plankton have a calling and you have a calling. You are called to receive the life and to go back to the darkness to bring light and provide life to others. You are called to life fearlessly, going into situations knowing what you will receive from God as he has shown his character to you.

You know he is a healer, a restorer, a life giver, and he does all of this through you.

ideas and information taken from Sadie Robertson- A message to my fellow college age friends.

Instagram: @kirstenaprice


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